Everyone’s experience of ATTR amyloidosis can be different so it’s important to keep track of all your symptoms, even if they seem unrelated
STAR: The Symptom Tracker app is a free digital symptom tracker for people with ATTR amyloidosis that makes the day-to-day recording of symptoms quick and easy for you and your family.
STAR: The Symptom Tracker app was developed and funded by Alnylam Switzerland GmbH®
Regular symptom tracking can help you to:
- Recognise and develop a more complete understanding of your symptoms
- Identify early changes, or any new symptoms as soon as they occur
- Record the changes that have had the greatest impact on your wellbeing and lifestyle
- Better communicate any changes in your condition with your doctor and the healthcare team at your next consultation
- Assert greater control over your health and share in discussions about future care
“The disease can do a lot of damage if you let it evolve, so knowing, being vigilant, helps you avoid irreversible degradations, such as the lack of sensitivity in your legs."
- Jean-Christophe, hereditary ATTR amyloidosis patient, France.
App features
An easy to navigate menu offers you a simple way to track how you feel and any changes to your health and wellbeing
- Identify and record the complete picture of your symptoms listed by body part
- Track symptom changes with a simple click, whenever it is most convenient for you
- Record on the impact of each symptom on day-to-day activities, mood, energy levels, and relationships with family and friends
- Better communicate any changes in your condition with your doctor and the healthcare team at your next consultation
- Assert greater control the app for the symptoms that matter most to you

“We need tools to encourage patients to be clear and specific when describing their symptoms."
- Professor Philip Hawkins, National Amyloidosis Centre University College, London, UK.

By sharing as much information as possible with your doctor and healthcare team, they can get a more accurate picture of your condition and help you to reduce the impact on your day-to-day life.
- Choose to share accurate and timely information with your healthcare team
- Share summary reports in confidence on any of your symptom changes and their impact over time
- Better communicate how you are coping and any symptoms causing concern
STAR: The Symptom Tracker app does not pursue a medical purpose. It is designed to keep a record of users’ symptoms, how they change over time and their impact on users’ well-being and lifestyle. The app is not intended as a disease monitoring tool or as a symptoms checker. To have symptoms checked, users are advised to talk to their healthcare professional. Furthermore, STAR: The Symptom Tracker app does not make any medical diagnoses. Users are advised to seek the advice of a medical professional if they are concerned about their health.

STAR: The Symptom Tracker
Find out more about the new symptom tracker app for people with ATTR amyloidosis and their families.